Canvas Business Model Template

A Canvas business model is an essential tool to design a complete digital marketing plan. This model is a template for strategic management new business models and represent those that already exist. how can we design a Canvas business model? The answer lies in Excel templates that can fulfill this task. With the following Excel template for a Canvas business model, you will be able to define, create and produce the business models.


How to the Excel templates of the Canvas business model work?


Having everything well presented, ordered and simplified can help us see things clearer when it comes to analyzing our future or current business. This Canvas business model template in Excel looks at 9 separate sections required to visualize all the areas of the company in a simply manner. There are four overreaching themes above the 9 : clients, supply, infrastructure and economic viability.

The whole template should include the following :

  • Customer segments
  • Offering (value propositions)
  • Channels
  • Customer Relationships
  • Revenue Streams
  • Key Activities
  • Key resources
  • Partner network
  • Cost structure

The template that we offer will help you analyze your business model. You just have to link the 9 sections and you will have your Canvas Business Model for your business or future project. In addition you can use the Canvas business model template in Excel for all the projects you need.

Download the free Canvas business model in Excel.


Purchase this fantastic Excel template with which you will be able to analyse your business model. It is free.